
This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of powder coating, blasting, and chemical stripping services. Share and discuss the best content and new ideas, build your professional knowledge and become better at what you do!



*Desi Penington

--*Desi Penington--

| 2 1 2
Westminster, United States
--*Desi Penington--

*Desi Penington
On 1/24/19, 3:01 AM

See the full warranty here. In short we will fix any failure within the first year of service. Most of our powder coating services are designed to last years even a decade or two; perform under the stress you demand and expect. Most powder coating done the wrong way will show itself in the first year of a new coating and sometimes much sooner. You can expect us to stand up to all our services, techniques, and quality. 

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This community is for professionals and enthusiasts of powder coating, blasting, and chemical stripping parts. Share and discuss the best content and new ideas, build your knowledge and become better at what you do. Read Guidelines

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Asked: 11/5/18, 11:50 PM
Seen: 1445 times
Last updated: 2/28/19, 5:26 PM